Here is a list of all the words beginning with the letter F, that are translated into Moroccan Arabic in this dictionary. Click on another letter to see the list of words beginning with that letter.
- fabric
- face
- face flannel glove
- facing
- fact
- factory
- faint
- fair
- fall
- false
- family
- famine
- famous
- fan
- far
- farm
- farmer
- fast
- fat
- father
- father-in-law
- fault
- fava bean
- favourite
- fear
- feather
- February
- feel
- feel better
- feeling
- fence
- festival
- fever
- few
- fiancé
- field
- fifteen
- fifth
- fifty
- fig
- fig tree
- fight
- file
- fill
- film
- filter
- finally
- financial
- find
- fine
- finger
- fingernail
- fingerprint
- finish
- fire
- first
- first aid
- firstly
- fish
- fisherman
- fitness room
- five
- five minutes
- fixed
- fizzy drink
- flag
- flashlight
- flat
- flea
- flee
- flesh
- flood
- floor
- floor squeegee
- flour
- flower
- flu
- fly
- focus
- fog
- foggy
- fold
- folded
- follow
- following day
- food
- food processor
- food products
- foot
- football
- football field
- football ground
- football pitch
- for
- for example
- for sale
- force
- forehead
- foreign
- foreigner
- forest
- forget
- forgive
- forgiveness
- fork
- forty
- fountain
- four
- fourteen
- fourth
- fox
- frame
- France
- free
- freedom
- freezer
- French
- Friday
- fridge
- fried
- fried fish
- friend
- fries
- frightened
- frog
- from
- from time to time
- from where
- frozen
- fruit
- fry
- frying pan
- fuel
- fulfill
- full
- function
- funeral procession
- funny
- fur
- furious
- future