Here is a list of all the words beginning with the letter C, that are translated into Moroccan Arabic in this dictionary. Click on another letter to see the list of words beginning with that letter.
- cabbage
- cable
- cactus
- café
- cake
- cake pan
- cake tin
- calf
- call
- call back
- call to prayer
- calm
- calm down
- camel
- camomile
- camp
- camping site
- campsite
- can
- cancel
- cancer
- candle
- candy
- cane
- cap
- capable
- capital
- capsule
- capsule
- car
- cardamom
- cards
- carpenter
- carrot
- carry
- carry out
- Casablanca
- casserole dish
- cast a spell
- castle
- cat
- cauliflower
- cause
- cave
- cavern
- ceiling
- celebrate
- celery
- cell phone
- cellar
- cement
- cemetery
- center
- centre
- ceremony
- chair
- chalk
- chameleon
- change
- change money
- channel
- charity
- cheap
- cheaper
- check
- cheek
- cheese
- chef
- cheque
- cherry
- chess
- chest
- chest of drawers
- chew
- chewing gum
- chick
- chicken
- chicken breast
- chickpea
- child
- childhood
- chili pepper
- chimney
- chin
- chinese
- chips
- chocolate
- choice
- choke
- choked
- choking
- choose
- chop
- chopping board
- christian
- church
- cigarette
- cinema
- cinnamon
- circle
- citizen
- city
- city hall
- civil servant
- civilisation
- clap
- class
- classical
- Classical Arabic
- classroom
- clean
- cleaning lady
- clear
- clear the table
- clearly
- clever
- client
- clinic
- close
- closed
- closet
- cloth
- clothes
- clothes hanger
- clothes peg
- clothes pin
- clothes shop
- cloud
- cloudy
- clove
- co-operative
- coach
- coach station
- coast
- coat
- coat hanger
- coat rack
- cobbler
- cock
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- cockroach
- coconut
- coffee
- coffee pot
- cola
- colander
- cold
- collar
- collect
- college
- colour
- come
- come back
- come true
- comfort
- comfortable
- commerce
- commit suicide
- communicate
- company
- compare
- comparison
- compassion
- competition
- complain
- complete
- completely
- complicated
- computer
- concentrate
- concern
- condition
- confess
- confidence
- confused
- congratulate
- congratulations
- connection
- conquer
- constipation
- contact
- contagious
- contaminate
- continent
- continue
- contract
- control
- control oneself
- cook
- cooked
- cooker
- cookery
- cooking pot
- cool
- cope
- copper
- coriander
- cork
- corner
- correct
- corridor
- corruption
- cost
- cosy
- cough
- count
- country
- countryside
- couple
- courgette
- court
- courtyard
- couscous
- couscous pot
- cousin
- cover
- covered
- covet
- cow
- craft complex
- crazy
- cream
- create
- crescent
- crescent moon
- crime
- criminal
- criteria
- crocodile
- cross
- crowd
- crown
- crumb
- crunchy
- cry
- cucumber
- cuddle
- cultural
- culture
- cumin
- cup
- cupboard
- cure
- curiosity
- curious
- curtain
- curtain pole
- curtain rail
- curtain rod
- cushion
- customs
- cut
- cyber cafe
- cycle