Here is a list of all the words beginning with the letter P, that are translated into Moroccan Arabic in this dictionary. Click on another letter to see the list of words beginning with that letter.
- packet
- padlock
- page
- pain
- paint
- painter
- palace
- palm tree
- pancake
- pants
- paper
- paprika
- parable
- paralysed
- pardon?
- parent
- park
- parsley
- part
- participate
- participation
- partner
- party
- pass
- pass away
- passionate
- passport
- past
- pasta
- pastilla
- pastor
- pasture
- patch
- patience
- patient
- pay
- pay phone store
- PC
- pea
- peach
- peanut
- pear
- peasant
- peel
- pen
- pencil
- penguin
- pension
- people
- people of God
- pepper
- per
- perfect
- perfume
- period
- permitted
- person
- person in charge
- person resposible
- personality
- personally
- perspiration
- perspire
- pharmacist
- pharmacy
- phone
- photo
- photograph
- pick
- picture
- piece
- pig
- pigeon
- pile up
- pill
- pillow
- pineapple
- pink
- pipe
- pitcher
- pity
- pizza
- place
- placed
- plague
- plain white flour
- plane
- planet
- plank
- plant
- plant pot
- plaque
- plaster
- plastic
- plate
- play
- playtime
- please
- pleased to meet you
- plughole
- plum
- plumber
- plunger
- plus
- poem
- poet
- poetry
- poison
- pole
- police
- police officer
- police station
- policeman
- polite
- politeness
- political party
- politics
- pollute
- pollution
- pomegranate
- poor
- popcorn
- popular
- port
- pose
- possible
- post office
- postman
- potato
- pour
- power
- powerful
- praise God
- pray
- prayer
- precious
- precious stone
- precisely
- prefer
- pregnant
- prepare
- present
- preserved lemon
- pressure
- pressure cooker
- pretty
- prevent
- price
- prickly pear
- priest
- prince
- princess
- prison
- prisoner
- private
- problem
- product
- profession
- programme
- project
- promise
- pronounce
- pronunciation
- prophet
- prostitute oneself
- protect
- protected
- province
- publicity
- pull
- pull onself together
- pull out
- pullover
- pumpkin
- punish
- punishment
- pupil
- puppy
- pure
- purple
- purse
- push
- put
- put away
- put down
- put on
- put on make-up
- put on weight
- pyjamas