Here is a list of all the words beginning with the letter N, that are translated into Moroccan Arabic in this dictionary. Click on another letter to see the list of words beginning with that letter.
- nail
- name
- napkin
- narrow
- national anthem
- natural
- nature
- naughtiness
- naughty
- navel
- navy blue
- near
- nearly
- necessary
- neck
- necklace
- necktie
- need
- needed
- needle
- neighbor
- neighborhood
- neighbour
- neighbourhood
- neither … nor …
- nephew
- nephews and nieces
- net
- network
- never
- new
- New Year
- newborn baby party
- news
- newspaper
- next
- next to
- nice
- niece
- night
- Night of Power
- nightmare
- nine
- nineteen
- ninety
- ninth
- no
- no-one
- Noah
- noise
- noodles
- normal
- North
- nose
- not
- not … anything
- not at all
- not yet
- notary
- notebook
- nothing
- noun
- November
- now
- nowhere
- number
- nurse
- nutmeg