Here is a list of all the words beginning with the letter L, that are translated into Moroccan Arabic in this dictionary. Click on another letter to see the list of words beginning with that letter.
- lab
- laboratory
- lack
- lacking
- ladder
- ladle
- laid up
- lamb
- landlord
- language
- lantern
- laptop computer
- large
- lash
- last
- late
- later
- laugh
- laundry
- laundry basket
- laundry room
- lavatory
- law
- lawyer
- lay the table
- lazy
- leaf
- leak
- learn
- leather
- leave
- leek
- left
- leg
- legalisation centre
- legalise
- legalization center
- legalize
- lemon
- lend
- lentils
- leopard
- less
- lesson
- let
- letter
- lettuce
- level
- liar
- lice
- lick
- lid
- lie
- lie down
- life
- lifeguard
- lift
- lift up
- lifted up
- light
- light bulb
- light switch
- light up
- lighter
- lightning
- like
- like that
- lime
- limescale
- line
- line up
- lion
- lip
- liquorice
- list
- listen
- litre
- little
- live
- liver
- living room
- lizard
- loaf
- lock
- log
- logic
- logical
- long
- long time
- look
- look after
- look for
- look like
- Lord
- lorry
- lose
- lose weight
- loudly
- loudspeaker
- lounge
- love
- love each other
- loved
- loved one
- lower
- luck
- luggage
- lumberjack
- lumpy
- lunch
- lung
- lute
- luxurious
- lying down