Here is a list of all the words beginning with the letter I, that are translated into Moroccan Arabic in this dictionary. Click on another letter to see the list of words beginning with that letter.
- I
- ice cream
- ice cube
- icing sugar
- idea
- if
- ill
- illness
- image
- imagine
- important
- imprisoned
- imprudence
- in
- in a moment
- in a rush
- in addition
- in agreement
- in charge
- in front of
- in order to
- in the future
- in the middle of
- in the name of God
- in-laws
- incisor
- incorrect
- increase
- India
- Indian
- industrial
- industry
- inexpensive
- infect
- inform
- information
- ingredients
- inhaler
- inherit
- inheritance
- inject
- injection
- injure
- injured
- ink
- innocent
- insect
- insect bite
- inside
- insist
- inspector
- instal
- install
- installation
- institute
- instructions
- insult
- insurance
- intelligent
- interesting
- interior
- international
- internet cafe
- interpret
- interpretation
- interpreter
- intestine
- into the small hours
- introduce oneself
- investigation
- invitation
- invite
- invite out
- iris
- iron
- irrigation channel
- is that’s all?
- isn’t it?
- it depends
- it’s … o’clock
- It’s been
- it’s been …
- it’s difficult to say goodbye
- it’s none of your business
- it’s not worth it
- it’s the same
- Italian
- Italy
- itching
- ivory