Here is a list of all the words beginning with the letter M, that are translated into Moroccan Arabic in this dictionary. Click on another letter to see the list of words beginning with that letter.
- machine
- madam
- made of
- madness
- magazine
- magic
- magical
- main
- majority
- make (someone) blush
- make a mistake
- make an error
- make fun of
- make noise
- make sure
- make way
- mammal
- man
- man who gives the call to prayer
- manage
- mandarin
- mango
- manner
- manure
- map
- marble
- March
- mare
- mark
- marker
- market
- Marrakech
- marriage
- marry
- marvel
- mascara
- mason
- masseur at the Turkish baths
- match
- material
- math
- mathematics
- maths
- May
- maybe
- McDonald’s
- me
- meal
- meal eaten before sunrise during Ramadan
- meaning
- measure
- measurement
- meat
- mechanic
- mechanical digger
- medicine
- medium
- meet
- meeting
- melon
- melt
- melted
- memory
- mentality
- menu
- merciful
- message
- Messiah
- messy
- metal
- meteorological
- meter
- method
- metre
- mic
- microbe
- microphone
- microwave
- microwave oven
- midday
- middle
- middle child
- midge
- midnight
- midwife
- milk
- mill
- million
- mince
- mind
- minister
- mint
- minus
- minute
- miracle
- mirror
- miserly
- miss
- mistake
- mix
- mixed
- mixture
- mobile phone
- modern
- Modern Standard Arabic
- modest
- molar
- mold
- mom
- Monday
- money
- monkey
- month
- monthly
- mood
- moon
- more
- more expensive
- morning
- morning ceremony
- Moroccan
- Moroccan Arabic
- Morocco
- mosque
- mosquito
- mother
- mother-in-law
- motorbike
- mould
- mountain
- mouse
- moustache
- mouth
- move
- move house
- movie
- Mr
- Mrs
- mud
- muddy
- mug
- mule
- mum
- museum
- mushroom
- music
- music group
- musician
- muslim
- must
- mustard
- my
- myself