Here is a list of all the words beginning with the letter H, that are translated into Moroccan Arabic in this dictionary. Click on another letter to see the list of words beginning with that letter.
- habit
- hair
- hair clip
- hair salon
- hairbrush
- hairdresser
- hairstyle
- half
- half-brother
- half-sister
- hamburger
- hand
- hand brush
- handbag
- handcuffs
- handicapped
- hang
- hang on to
- hang out
- hang up
- happen
- happiness
- happy
- Happy Birthday
- hard
- hard-worker
- hard-working
- hardworking
- harm
- harvest
- hashish
- haste
- hat
- hate
- have
- have a baby
- have a dream
- have a laugh
- have an operation
- have breakfast
- have dinner
- have goose bumps
- have just … (done something)
- have lunch
- have to
- haven’t yet …
- he
- head
- head of family
- headband
- headscarf
- heal
- healing
- health
- healthy
- hear
- hear about
- heart
- heart attack
- heat
- heat diffuser used under a tagine
- heat up
- heating
- heaven
- heavier
- heavy
- hectare
- heel
- height
- hello
- help
- help out
- helpful
- hen
- henna
- her
- here
- here you go
- hi
- hide
- high
- higher
- highest
- his
- history
- hit
- hive
- hob
- hold
- hole
- holey
- holidays
- home
- homework
- honest
- honey
- hood
- hoodie
- hook
- hope
- horn
- horse
- hosepipe
- hospital
- hospitality
- hot
- hot and spicy
- hot chocolate
- hot water bottle
- hotel
- hour
- house
- household chores
- housework
- how
- how are you?
- how long has it been since … ?
- how much
- how’s it going?
- however
- hug
- human
- hundred
- hunger
- hungry
- hunt
- hurry
- hurt
- husband
- hymn