
Comparison of similar sounds in Moroccan Arabic

Comparison of similar sounds – with audio

aa & 3

aa 3 Audio
naas [ناس] (people) n3s [نعس] (to sleep)

k & q

k q Audio
klb [كلب] (dog) qlb [قلب] (heart)
feek [فيك] (in you) feeq [فيق] (wake up!)
klaa [كلى] (to eat) qlaa [قلى] (to fry)

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kh & H

kh H Audio
khroof [خروف] (lamb) Hroof [حروف] (letters)
khoot [خوت] (brothers) Hoot [حوت] (fish)

h & H

h H Audio
hnaa [هنا] (here) Hnaa [حنا] (we/us)

s & S

s S Audio
seef [سيف] (sword) Seef [صيف] (summer)

d & D

d D Audio
drb [درب] (alley) Drb [ضرب] (to hit)

t & T

t T Audio
taab [تاب] (to repent) Taab [طاب] (to be cooked)
Heet [حيت] (because) HeeyeT [حيط] (wall)